10 Quick Fixes to Keep You Calm this Christmas
So many of us put ourselves under immense pressure trying to create the perfect Christmas. If this sounds like you here are 10 quick fixes to help keep you calm this Christmas…
Listen to your favourite music
Think about how you feel when your favourite song that you haven’t heard for a while comes on the radio…excitement…pleasure! These positive emotions have a wonderful effect on your body and make you feel good. Research has shown that gentle music, especially classical, has a positive effect on brainwaves helping to relax you, lower stress levels and keep you calm.
Take control
Instead of getting stressed about things you can’t change, focus on what you can change. Before thinking ‘oh no I have to do xyz’ ask yourself ‘Do I really have to?’ How can I make this easier?’ What can I say NO to?
Meditate & Breathe
Can you set aside just 2 minutes to find a quiet space, close your eyes, shut out the outside world and just be still? It’s amazing how refreshed you will feel. If you find this difficult to do on your own you could find a short guided meditation to listen to or just sit quietly. Do your best to ignore thoughts and just take some deep breaths. This gives your body some time to recover and build resistance against the stress chemicals that are flying around inside.
Make time to watch your favourite comedy film or meet up with a friend who always makes you laugh. This releases endorphins which in turn fight the stress hormones and help you feel calmer and more relaxed.
Sing it
Singing makes you breathe more deeply which means that more oxygen reaches your muscles and you start to relax and wind down.
If like me you haven’t the greatest singing voice just sing your heart out in your car or just when no one’s around!
Seize the day-light!
Make the most of any sunshine and if it’s a particularly sunny day sit outside in it for about 15 minutes without any sunscreen on your face and just absorb some Vitamin D. We all know that too much sun can be dangerous but a little bit helps to build up your body’s reserves of much needed Vitamin D.
Put it on paper
If you find it is all too much and your lists of to do’s are going round and round in your head and making you feel anxious or interrupting your sleep write them down. This gets them out of your head and you don’t need to worry about forgetting them. You can deal with them later.
Invest in some lavender oil
Pop a drop on a tissue and keep it in your pocket, lavender is extremely calming. Have some to hand to inhale when you need it.
Have the right attitude
At this time of the year it can be very easy to compare yourself to others and there will always be others who can buy bigger and better than you. Be mindful not to fall into the trap of ‘keeping up with the Jones’s and appreciate the little things after all material things are just material things.
Be kin
d to yourself
Are you someone who feels stressed rushing around always helping others and wanting to create the best Christmas for your family and loved ones? When do you have time for yourself? Do one thing just for you today be it a long hot soak in the bath or a little of your favourite treat.
Why not book yourself a 30 minute foot massage or Indian Head Massage? It’s amazing how a 30 minute treatment can help keep you calm. You will feel so much better afterwards.
So, how do you keep calm during this busy season? Please share your thoughts and tips below….
Best wishes, Louisa
P.S. If you need some help with finding that that special gift take a look at some holistic experiences and nourishing skincare gift ideas here.
Thank you Louisa
I will be sharing this with the family as all a little fed up at the moment with the spread of the virus which is ruining all out plans.
Happy Christmas to you and congratulations on your engagement too
Thank you Clare – it’s such a shame isn’t it – let’s hope next year will be different 🙂