17 Ideas to help you Cleanse & De-clutter
17 Ideas to Help You Cleanse & De-clutter your Body, Mind & Home!
Spring is one of my favourite seasons because it is a time for new beginnings.
This time of the year is popular for ridding our lives of clutter and by this I don’t just mean that cupboard or loft that you’ve been meaning to sort out but also your body and mind.
Here are 17 simple ideas to help you cleanse and de-clutter:
To avoid feeling overwhelmed, keep it simple and just start with one!
Revitalise Your Body
1 Start your day with a cup of hot water and a freshly squeezed organic lemon juice.
This supports your body’s naturally detoxifying organs.
2 Slough off dead skin by taking time to exfoliate your face and body once a week.
Dead Sea Salts, Epsom Salts or Himalayan Salts are perfect to use on your body.
3 Clean your make up brushes once a week with your shampoo to prevent bacteria living on them and causing spots
4 Substitute your usual cup of coffee or tea for a herbal tea such as Green Tea or Nettle or Fennel as these are great natural healers and have fantastic purifying properties.
5 Regularly set aside some quiet time for yourself whether it is a warm bath, a long walk, a massage.
Do something that you enjoy and that allows your body to relax.
Every Sunday look at your week ahead and pop in some quite time just for YOU.
6 Set up a routine for regular exercise to help your body sustain optimum performance.
By getting into a routine you will find it easier to maintain so pick a set time every day or a set day during the week – whichever suits your needs and ability and you will be more likely to keep to it!
Revitalise Your Mind
7 Join a meditation class or download a meditation app to learn how to quieten your mind or to break negative thought patterns.
Use a guided meditation for 3-10 minutes daily.
8 Smile more! Smiling is positive and has an uplifting effect on thoughts.
9 Exercise your brain every day with a puzzle, crossword or brain training quiz or app.
10 Inhale some lemon oil It’s a fantastic way to focus your mind.
Put a couple of drops of the pure essential oil onto a a tissue on in your oil burner or diffuser and inhale.
11 Keep a journal. Putting your feelings down on paper can help to release emotions that you may be bottling up inside.
Revitalise Your Home
12 De-clutter your home. To avoid getting side-tracked and exhausted from jumping from one room to the next, only focus on one room at a time or one cupboard or one drawer.
Break it down.
Keep it simple.
13 Use free facilities to get rid of unwanted items from baby clothes to furniture.
Join your local Freecycle Network. This is a fantastic network whereby you join your local area group and you can post almost anything that you want to get rid of on the site and someone will contact you to collect it.
‘One man’s rubbish is another man’s gold’.
Beware though because you could easily end up with more clutter!
Local area Facebook groups are another good way to get rid of excess stuff or make some money and sell it.
Alternatively with furniture you can ask your local British Heart Foundation furniture outlet or other charities that offer this service to come and collect it as a donation.
14 Use a system whereby you separate the following: rubbish, recycling, freecycling and charity donations
15 Set up effective filing systems – go paperless and set up folder systems in the cloud so that important documents are easily accessible
16 Shred old personal bills that are no longer needed or even better consider moving to a paperless system
17 Free up space in kitchen cupboards by clearing out all ‘never to be eaten foods’ or appliances that are not going to be used and surplus storage containers.
Yes this is a long list of inspirations so don’t let it overwhelm you – JUST PICK ONE – to begin with and when you feel ready try and tackle another.
Feel free to leave any ideas of your own, anything that may have helped you cleanse and de-clutter your life in the comments below.
Happy De-cluttering 🙂
Best wishes Louisa