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6 Ways to Reduce Christmas Stress

Christmas Stress – make life easier this year

With Christmas and the end of another year just around the corner you may be feeling apprehensive, stressed, or a little overwhelmed for a variety of different reasons and you are not alone.

To make your life a little easier I’ve gathered together 6 of my top tips to help you reduce Christmas stress.

 1. Change your perspective – use visualisation

christmas stress

This can be a both a happy and a sad time depending upon your circumstances but also depending upon your mindset.

The whole event can be a burden if you allow it – dreading the shopping, the social events, the extra travelling, seeing difficult relatives.

Or perhaps the loneliness you may feel.

So I ask you to take a moment and visualise your ideal Christmas – imagine the day going well, people enjoying themselves and getting along, family being kind to one another and grateful.

If you are alone, imagine joining a local group for Christmas dinner, making some new friends.

 2. Set your boundaries 

Set your boundaries – you don’t have to ‘see’ everyone.

Don’t try and do it all

3. What can you say No to? or NOT say ‘yes’ to?

Make Your Life Easier this Christmas

What can you take off of your to do list?  Consider hiring a cleaner so there’s one less thing to do or book a one off deep clean instead.

Rather than try to do everything, pop the kettle on, sit down and spend 5 minutes thinking what you can cross off your list or not do this year.

Remember to always PAUSE when someone asks you to do something – you don’t have to give an answer straight away – maybe say can I check something and let you know later.

4. Use scent to calm and lift your mood

Aromatherapy to help your child sleep

I can’t emphasise enough how much diffusing essential oils can help your relax and feel calm.  Use scent in your environment daily to help lift your mood.  Take a look at Christmas Hug blend that is now available.

5. Nurture your immune system NOW

Christmas stress

If Christmas is usually a more stressful time for you and you often fall ill with coughs, colds or flu over the break right NOW is the time to support your body!

Do what you can to have a good night’s sleep, eat wholesome and nourishing broths and lots of vegetables, take milk thistle to support your liver if you know you’ll be over-indulging a bit more.

Drink fresh lemon & ginger in hot water first thing in the morning.

I’ve listed a few so what ONE thing can you pick that will help support your immune system now and leave you less STRESSED about getting ill later on? Just pick one 🙂

6. Be present

relieve Christmas stress - dog

Enjoy moments instead of trying to capture it on your phone, be there and soak up the joy and happiness from the littlest things – a quiet cosy hot chocolate on the sofa.

A moment stroking your cat or dog.

Well that’s it, my top 6 tips to help you reduce Christmas stress and I’d love to hear if you have any valuable tips to add to the list. 

Drop a comment below and let me know yours 🙂

Just Be Natural recommended products and gift sets to encourage relaxation ….

De-Stress Aroma Roll on

Balance & De-Stress Gift Set

Me Time Tranquility Gift Set

Until next time,

Best wishes,



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