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My No.1 Festive Essential Oil

FREE 5ml Festive BlendMy No.1 Festive Essential Oil

Essential oils are a great way to enhance your mood and with Christmas not too far away you may be thinking of ways create a warm and festive atmosphere for your guests and loved ones.

When you breathe in a scent it has a direct impact on your limbic system – the part of your brain that controls and affects your emotions.  Essential oils are therefore a perfect way to help you create a lovely atmosphere as well as positively influencing emotions. There is one essential oil in particular that I think is ideal for this time of the year…..can you guess which one it is? Drum roll please…..

My No.1 festive essential oil is Sweet Orange Oil!

I think Susanne Fischer-Rizzi really captures the essence of Sweet Orange oil in her description

“…the cheerful, sensuous, radiant nature of orange conveys warmth and happiness.”

Isn’t this exactly what we all need after the busy rush in the lead up to Christmas?

The properties of Sweet Orange oil overlap with the more expensive Neroli oil which comes from the blossom of the orange tree.  Sweet orange oil comes from the orange peel and smells sweetly refreshing.  The keyword for Sweet Orange oil is joy.  I dare you not to smile when you inhale this beautiful oil.

As well as it’s antidepressant properties sweet orange oil is antiseptic. In Chinese medicine dry, sweet orange peel was used to treat coughs and colds – another superb choice for the winter season.


Sweet orange oil is a great choice for children too, they love it and it can also help them sleep.  It has gentle sedative properties.

How to use Orange Essential OilMy No. 1 Festive Essential OIl

  • The pure essential oil cannot be used directly on the skin.  However you can just put a couple of drops on a tissue and the scent will evaporate into the air.


  • Top up your oil burner with some warm water and then 2-3 drops to it.


  • To use sweet orange oil in a blend just add 3 drops of the pure essential oil to two teaspoons or 10ml of a base oil like Jojoba.  You now have a simple massage oil that will add some joy to your spirit and gently relax you all at the same time.


So that’s my No.1 Festive Essential Oil and the good news is that it blends perfectly with many other oils like Frankincense – another traditionally festive oil.

Feel free to leave a comment or ask any questions below.  If you would like some help creating a joyful and festive ambiance you can purchase organic orange essential oil here.

Until next time take care of YOU!

Best wishes, Louisa



Susanne Fischer-Rizzi

The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy, Salvatore Battaglia

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