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4 Self Care Ideas for Spring Plus D-I-Y Exfoliation Recipes

Spring Self Care ideas

Do you need some self care ideas for Spring?  Spring is almost here and there is hope on the horizon for a return to normality and safe socialising.  Now has never been a better time to get yourself ready to re-emerge.  Spring is often associated with renewal, re-birth, cleansing and rejuvenation.

I love this time of the year, bright colours begin to appear in nature, beautiful blossoms and greens as plants grow.  There is an air of positivity around, just look for it in nature if you don’t feel it in yourself at the moment.  The birds are singing louder.  Days are brighter for longer.

So here are four self care ideas that will help your body, mind and emotions feel ready for the grand re-opening . . .

Self Care Idea #1: Cleansing & Re-birth

Spring Self Care Ideas

Exfoliation gets rid of dead skin cells that leave your skin looking dull and feeling rough if they are just left alone. It also stimulates new cell growth.

If you have not been regularly exfoliating now is a great time to start.  You don’t need any fancy products, here is a simple recipe for a D-I-Y homemade face scrub that I tried and tested a couple of weeks back.  It left my skin looking brighter and feeling soft and smooth.

1 dessertspoon Ground Almonds

2 dessertspoons Honey

1 tablespoon Jojoba oil

Mix the above ingredients together so it forms a paste. Use this as an exfoliant after you have cleansed your face.

Apply paste to your face and gently massage into your skin in circles covering your forehead, cheeks, nose, chin and jaw. Do this for 1-2 minutes. If it feels too thick, add some more jojoba oil.

Rinse with warm water and a cloth or flannel if needed.

Your skin should be feeling soft and hydrated and all those dead skin cells will have been washed away revealing bright new skin.

Extra tip: To turn this into a body scrub swap out the ground almonds for some Epsom or Himalayan Salts.


Self Care Idea #2: Skin Hydration

Spring Self Care ideas

How is your skin feeling at the moment?  Dry, oily, tight, soft, rough, congested, smooth. 

How is your skin feeling after you’ve cleansed it? Dry, oily, tight, soft, rough, congested, smooth. 

The reason I ask is that sometimes as we transition into the warmer months you may find you want to adjust your skin routine.  If you suffer with a dry skin condition like eczema or psoriasis then, yes, you may need to continue with an extra layer of hydration.

If you have been applying a moisturising cream and then a facial oil you may want to start just using moisturising cream during the day and a facial oil at night.

Tune into your body, think about how you skin is feeling and what it needs.  If you would like some advice or have any questions leave a comment or message me directly.

Self Care Idea #3: Positive Mindset

Spring Self Care ideas

Sometimes it is very easy to act from a place of fear rather than a place of love and we have been given a lot of things to feel scared about over the last twelve months.  It has been a difficult time for everyone and like I said earlier look for positivity in nature and in others if you do not have it inside at the moment.  Reach out for help if you need it.  Disconnect from people or places that promote a fearful feeling.  Examine your reactions and choices, are you coming from a place of fear or a place of love? Are you moving towards something you want or away from something you don’t want?

Self Care Idea #4: Immunity

For a variety of reasons including:

  • spending so much time NOT socialising
  • wearing masks
  • using hand sanitiser
  • using anti-viral and antibacterial surface cleaners more frequently

your natural immunity may have suffered.  Now you may have not done all of the above but I think generally less socialising will have had a negative impact on our immunity so it’s good practice to try and continue to improve it through:

  • eating a rainbow
  • exercising regularly
  • getting a good night’s sleep
  • finding ways to release stress
  • using more natural personal care and cleaning products.

There is no one miracle cure to what we’ve been through but all these little steps will help.

Well there you have them, my four self care ideas for Spring.  Do leave a comment below and let me know what you think?  Which ones will you be focussing on?

Best wishes and until next time,

take care of YOU!


P.S. See my range of facial moisturisers and oils available here and for Jojoba oil here.

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